Frequent Asqued Questions

These are some of the frequent questions our patients have?

Brush stroke


: : How Does Acupuncture Works?

There are specific points along the meridians called acupuncture points. At these points an energy flow is stimulated and the function of the organs are regulated. Stimulating these points restores the delicate balance and introduces the healing process. When energy flow is smooth and in balance one is in health. If the energy balance is disturbed, one will feel ill or pain.

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: : Does Acupuncture Have side effects?

One of the greatest advantages of acupuncture is its "safety.” In the hands of a competent acupuncturist, acupuncture has shown to be free from discomfort or side effects. Some patients may report feeling sore, light headed and even a heightened feeling of well-being after treatments. However, the majority of people report a sense of pleasant relaxation.

Resting for a few moments after receiving a treatment is recommended to stabilize the body. It is also best not to eat a heavy meal or engage in strenuous activity of any kind immediately before or after a treatment.

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: : Is Acupuncture Painful?

Acupuncture needles are very fine and flexible and can barely be felt when inserted. These needles are used to attract or disperse energy along the acupuncture points--nothing is injected into the body. Occasionally there may be some sensations felt from the treatment. This is caused by the mobilizing energy that has been stagnating, not by the needles themselves. Disposable needs should always be used.

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: : Is herbal Medicine Important?

Herbs have always been an essential part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In Western society, they can be found in several over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

The nourishing properties of herbs are valuable in helping the body to strengthen and repair itself.

In California, licensed acupuncturists are the only licensed health care professionals who are required to be trained and tested for competency in the prescription of herbal medicine. California-approved acupuncture schools offer a minimum of 300 classroom hours of instruction in traditional Oriental herbology, in addition to clinical training.

: : Is acupuncture safe?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved acupuncture needles for use by licensed practitioners in 1996. The FDA requires that sterile, nontoxic needles be used and that they be labeled for single use by qualified practitioners only.

Relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture have been reported to the FDA in light of the millions of people treated each year and the number of acupuncture needles used. Still, complications have resulted from inadequate sterilization of needles and from improper delivery of treatments. Practitioners should use a new set of disposable needles taken from a sealed package for each patient and should swab treatment sites with alcohol or another disinfectant before inserting needles. When not delivered properly, acupuncture can cause serious adverse effects, including infections and punctured organs.

: : will acupuncture work for me?

An NCCAM-funded study recently showed that acupuncture provides pain relief, improves function for people with osteoarthritis of the knee, and serves as an effective complement to standard care.7 Further research is likely to uncover additional areas where acupuncture interventions will be useful.

: : What will Happen during the first visit?

During your first office visit, the practitioner may ask you at length about your health condition, lifestyle, and behavior. The practitioner will want to obtain a complete picture of your treatment needs and behaviors that may contribute to your condition. Inform the acupuncturist about all treatments or medications you are taking and all medical conditions you have.

: : How Many Treatments are needed?

The primary focus of Traditional Chinese Medicine is on correcting the underlining cause of an illness or disease; hence, producing a lasting effect. Symptoms can often be relieved in matter of hours or days, but healing the illness itself may take a little longer.

Since every person is different, the treatment plans are individualized. Things considered are the type of illness, the severity of the condition, the duration of the sickness, and the physical state of the patient at the time of the treatment.

A course of treatment is usually between six and ten sessions. To get the best therapeutic results, acute cases should be treated daily for a few days, then in prolonged intervals. Chronic cases usually need two to three visits per week. In cases where there is a slow response, the patient should not get discouraged, but should try to complete the entire course. Most of these cases may require more effort to restore the energy balance.

For a health maintenance program or for prevention, a periodic treatment of once a week or once every two weeks is recommended. This program usually helps the internal organs to function in a balanced condition while improving the function of the whole body.

: : Are the needles disposable?

We use disposable stainless steel needles of fine diameter (0.007" to 0.020", 0.18mm to 0.51 mm), sterilized with ethylene oxide or by autoclave. The upper third of these needles is wound with a thicker wire (typically bronze), or covered in plastic, to stiffen the needle and provide a handle for the acupuncturist to grasp while inserting. The size and type of needle used, and the depth of insertion, depend on the acupuncture style being practiced.

: : How much does it cost?

A practitioner should inform you about the estimated number of treatments needed and how much each will cost. If this information is not provided, ask for it. Treatment may take place over a few days or for several weeks or more. Physician acupuncturists may charge more than nonphysician practitioners.

: : Does an Acupuncturist Need To Be Licensed?

It is very important when choosing an acupuncturist that you chose a qualified one that is licensed in your state. To qualify for licensure in California , a student must attend a California Board-approved school to receive training. Then, the student must graduate with at least a Masters level degree. Upon graduation, qualifying candidates must pass a comprehensive State Licensing exam.

Is Acupuncture covered by insurance? : :

More and more insurance plans are now including acupuncture in their insurance policies. Some plans may only cover acupuncture if recommended by a physician. Acupuncture is covered under California ’s State Medi-cal and workers’ Compensation.

What is The California Acupuncture Board? : :

The primary responsibility of the Acupuncture Board is to protect consumers from incompetent, unprofessional, and fraudulent practices. The board establishes standards for the approval of schools, tutorial programs and continuing education. It oversees the administration of licensing exams, issues licenses, and handles enforcement issues when complaints are received. For more information you can go to



Contact Us : :

If you have any question, need a consultation or want to set up an appointment, contact us by e-mail, or call 714.669.9088

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